Riverbend Park

Florida Palm Beach County 4.3mi53ft

John Koopard

Oct 3, 2022

Palm Beach County



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Take a step back in time and enjoy walking, bicycling, riding, or canoeing through beautiful and historic Riverbend Park. From the ancient Indian middens, through the Seminole War Battles, to present day restoration, see Florida as the first settlers did. Nearly 10 miles of hiking/biking trails, 7 miles of equestrian trails and 5 miles of canoeing/kayaking trails allow for hours of enjoyment. Stroll along the Wild and Scenic Loxahatchee River, visit the Cracker Farmstead, and picnic in the shade under a Seminole chickee.

Commentaires (1)

By Pat Mister Jan 05, 2022

This place are really fantastic ! I went there once.